Soapnut Republic Wins Top Eco Award // 榮獲ECO大獎

Posted by Ivy Leung on

Natural home care brand Soapnut Republic won two prestigious consumer-choice awards at Eco Design Fair 2018 in Shanghai on October 21.


Soapnut Republic's founders, Australian Kim Gilliland and New Zealander Bobby Mitchell, were presented with the top prize for the event: The Shining Star Award for Most Outstanding Eco Impact.

公司的兩位創始人,來自澳洲的Kim Gilliland和來自新西蘭的Bobby Mitchell出席了儀式並接受了該活動的最高榮譽:最大的環保影響獎。

They also received the Eco Product Trailblazer Award for Best Eco Product / Innovation.


“We are thrilled and extremely proud to have been recognised by our industry peers and consumers as a company leading the field in the development of innovative natural products,” Kim said.

“毫無疑問,對我們來說,消費者就是最重要的支持者,”Kim說道。 “能夠獲得行業內的認可,獲得在生態創新領域的榮譽,令我們感到非常的激動和自豪。”

Soapnut Republic products are powered by 100% natural soapnut berry extract, blended with the finest selection of essential oils, and plant and mineral ingredients from around the world.

Soapnut Republic的所有產品都蘊含100%純天然的無患子果實提取物,與精心搭配的高純植物精油融合,並加入了來自全球各地的礦植物配方。

“We're all about making products that are as safe, natural and effective as possible using the highest quality ingredients,” Kim explained.


“We have three young children, and we make every product with the safety of our own family in mind.”


Soapnut berry extract is 100% natural, non-toxic, biodegradable, allergen free, and extremely gentle on skin, fabrics and household surfaces. Its powerful cleaning properties enable outstanding results that other products can only achieve using toxic chemicals.


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