How to Handwash Cashmere and Wool 羊毛與羊絨織物手洗指南

Posted by Ivy Leung on

Traditional dry cleaners use Perchloroethylene (also known as PERC) which is recognised globally as toxic to human health and the environment.


Handwashing is by far the safest method for cleaning cashmere, wool and most delicate fabrics. Here, I’m going to demonstrate how to do it the non-toxic way with my favourite fall coat from Feine Cashmere.


Wash 洗滌

Firstly, always pre-treat any stains with Soapnut Republic Natural Stain Remover.

首先,用Soapnut Republic的西柚精油天然強效污漬清潔液對污漬處進行預處。

Then, add 50mL or a squirt of Soapnut Republic Delicates Shampoo to a basin of luke warm water. Never use hot water to wash cashmere.

接著,在一盆溫水中加入50ml或少量的Soapnut Republic檸檬草精油絲絨專用洗滌液。

Immerse the garment and swish gently, taking care not to stretch it. Soak for up to 10 minutes.


Rinse 漂洗

Squeeze the water out of the garment without wringing or stretching. Discard the soapy water, and refill the basin with clean, luke warm water. Repeat this process until the water is no longer soapy. Avoid rinsing under running water, which can stretch delicate fabrics .


Don’t wring. Wringing out a wet garment can be harsher on fabric than running it through the delicate cycle of a washing machine.


Dry 乾燥

Press water out of the garment and then dry the item flat in its natural shape on a drying rack or a clean white (or light-coloured) towel.


To speed up the drying process you can lay the garment on top of the towel, gently smoothing out all the wrinkles. Starting at the top of the garment, roll the towel and the garment together, pressing down on the roll to help the towel absorb the water in the garment. Unroll. If the item is still very wet, repeat this step with a dry towel.


Steam iron 蒸汽熨斗

When dry, lay the garment flat and gently steam iron using a wool or cashmere setting.


Alternatively ... 或者 ...

Soapnut Republic Delicates Shampoo is naturally gentle and softening on fabric. Our unique blend of pure soapnut extract combined with safe plant and mineral ingredients is perfect for cleaning and protecting wool, cashmere, silk and other delicate fabrics. Subtly fragranced with lemongrass and Australian Tea Tree essential oils, our non-toxic formula will help to prolong the life of your most delicate items. Buy now from our online store here:

Soapnut Republic檸檬草精油絲絨專用洗滌液成分天然無刺激,可將織物軟化。我們採用獨到的配方,令純無患子精華與植物、礦物成分完美融合,是您清潔並保護羊毛、羊絨、絲織品以及其他所有精細織物的不二之選。添加了檸檬草與澳洲茶樹精油的洗滌液能帶來淡淡香氣,無毒的成分配方助您有效延長珍貴織物的壽命。現在即可從這裡購買。

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